The Company Continuously Receives Letters of Commendation from Owners

1/25/2022 9:13:56 AM

Recently, the Jupiter-LHY Project (phase 1) of Air Products (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. undertaken by our company received the excellent team trophy and commendation letter of "reaching 400,000 safe man-hours" issued by the owner.

In the Reclaimed Water Utilization Project of Ecological Restoration Comprehensive Improvement and Mine Ecological Treatment in North Mountain of Huailai County, we overcame the unfavorable factors such as tight construction period, many construction devices, high construction intensity and poor construction conditions, and vigorously carried forward the style of "Do not wait and do not rely", rose to the challenge and carefully deployed, and completed the construction task brilliantly, which was unanimously praised by the leaders of the owner.

The Dynamic Compaction Construction of 120,000 tons/year Carbon Black Project (Phase I) successfully completed the construction task, and the general contractor highly recognized the young project team of our company, saying that they are the benchmark of all participating units, which fully demonstrates the enthusiasm and vitality of the young generation of our company.

Pile Foundation Project of Beijing-Handan Line LNG Gas Storage and Peaking Station Project Phase I was carefully organized, scientifically arranged, we overcame difficulties, and completed and delivered one week ahead of schedule, laying a good foundation for subsequent construction, and won the high recognition of the general contractor and relevant parties.

Add:No. 63-1 Qiongshan Avenue, Jiangdong New District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, China. Hefeng Jiayuan. Haikou Meilan District Relocation Work Headquarters -253  
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group (Hainan) Ltd.