334 Technicians of the Company Obtained Vocational Skill Level Certificates

1/6/2022 5:25:41 PM

According to the "National Occupational Skills Standard", the company in accordance with the scope of the occupational skill level recognition obtained, combined with the company system and the internal recognition of the technical level of workers, formulated the "CHCI Occupational Skill Level Reform Plan", organized the vocational skill level recognition of 334 technicians, and issued the vocational skill level certificate. At the same time, according to the relevant government policies, we have applied and obtained the corresponding subsidy funds.

This recognition work has been affirmed and strongly supported by the Hebei Occupational Skill Testing Authority, which has realized the effective connection between the company's internal vocational skill level promotion system and the national vocational skill standards and evaluation work, and unblocked the development of the company's vocational skilled talents.



Add:No. 63-1 Qiongshan Avenue, Jiangdong New District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, China. Hefeng Jiayuan. Haikou Meilan District Relocation Work Headquarters -253  
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group (Hainan) Ltd.