Soil Protection and Foundation Treatment Project for B1 Group Resettlement Housing and Supporting Facilities in Yongdong Area, Xiong'an New District

12/14/2021 2:09:16 PM

Commissioned by China Xiong‘an Group Urban Development Investment Co., Ltd, our company undertook the earthworks, foundation support works (pile and anchor support, soil nail walls and anchor rods (ropes)) and foundation treatment works (CFG piles) for the B1 group resettlement housing and supporting facilities project in Rongdong District, Xiongnu New Area.

The project started on May 4, 2020 and completed the foundation pit excavation, foundation support and foundation treatment on June 15, 2020, which took 43 days. The foundation pit excavation and foundation support for the affiliated school started on October 1, 2020 and completed on December 3, 2020, which took 64 days. A total of about 2.3 million m³ of earth excavation and transportation, about 60,000 m of soil nails, about 30,000 m of anchor rods (ropes), about 570,000 m of CFG piles, about 30,000 m² of soil nail walls, and about 2,600 t of Larsen sheet piles were completed. 100% of the partial works were accepted at one time.

BIM technology was used in this project, through the BIM model, not only can the structural components and composition of the building be observed in 360 degrees and the specific properties of the components be quickly extracted, but also the construction plan and schedule were combined. In Navisworks manage construction process simulation, the specific construction plan was directly displayed in the form of animation, which is convenient for construction technicians to directly see whether the plan was feasible or not, what would happen during implementation, the specific process flow of implementation, whether the plan could be optimized, so as to ensure the elimination of obstacles before the implementation of the plan, to prevent beforehand, to avoid blind construction and other unexpected events that may be encountered, and to ensure a success and reduce the waste of materials caused by rework.

Applying digital information technology, BIM, CIM, IOT technology and digital Xiongan construction management platform, the construction party shall automatically monitor the operation of people, machines and environment on the project site by deploying various monitoring equipment and instruments, so as to achieve the purpose of in-process control of safety problems and improve the quality and safety construction management level and information management level of the construction site.

This project is the construction of soil protection and foundation treatment, and the construction encountered a lot of technical and construction difficulties, the project department staff worked together, carefully organized, carefully constructed, overcame all kinds of difficulties, carried forward the spirit of not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, day and night on the site, constantly explore, learn, innovation, and finally made the project successfully completed.


Add:No. 63-1 Qiongshan Avenue, Jiangdong New District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, China. Hefeng Jiayuan. Haikou Meilan District Relocation Work Headquarters -253  
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group (Hainan) Ltd.