Leaders of the Company Visited CHCI Office Building Project for Guidance

10/11/2021 10:43:36 AM

At about 9:00 a.m. on October 10, 2021, Han Lijun, chairman of the headquarters, Li Huawei, general manager, and Li Youdong, chairman of the supervisory board, came to Jiangdong New District, Haikou City, accompanied by Chen Jiayong, director of Asset Development Management Department, Liu Shuai, deputy manager of Geotechnical Engineering Company, and other people, to inspect the site of CHCI office building project and give guidance to the site work.

After nearly one month's effort since the opening ceremony of the office building of CHCI on September 13, the site has basically reached the state of 24-hour non-stop construction. Chairman Han and his party first came to the project construction site and inspected the site surrounding environment, quality control of construction site, safety management, progress of foundation pit support project, etc. After listening to the project report, General Manager Li affirmed the project department's work achievements in project management, focusing on issues such as sampling and testing of concrete on site and optimization of foundation pit support scheme, and emphasizing on matters such as paying close attention to site quality management. Chairman Han asked the owner, construction organization and supervision organization to take their respective responsibilities, strictly control the quality and safety management on site, complete the foundation construction project on time and with high quality, and strive to complete the construction below ±0 by the end of March next year. At the same time, the project department is required to continue to strictly implement the company's management requirements in the future, do a good job of epidemic control, refine the project quality, safety and progress management, establish a good image of CHCI, and strive to build the project into a high-quality project in Jiangdong New Area, laying a good foundation for CHCI to open up the Hainan general contracting market.

The arrival of the chairman and other leaders of the company has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of all the staff of CHCI office building project. We will continue to manage the site with high quality, high standard and strict requirements, rectify the existing problems and improve the shortcomings in the construction to ensure the project is completed on schedule with high quality, actively show the style of CHCI in Hainan Free Trade Port and contribute to the development and growth of CHCI.


Add:No. 63-1 Qiongshan Avenue, Jiangdong New District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, China. Hefeng Jiayuan. Haikou Meilan District Relocation Work Headquarters -253  
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group (Hainan) Ltd.